
Friday, March 12, 2010


I apologize in a huge way for being MIA around here.  I have stumbled into some freelance projects that have kept me busy along with working on my resolutions project

I have a little pile of activity ideas that is growing on the counter, but we just haven't gotten ourselves together to do any of them in a while.  We are planning on some really fun Easter Eggs, but we can't do that just yet!

Good Neighbors at Bikini BottomToday is a rainy day and the kids are home from school, so we are trying to figure out what to do with ourselves.  Tater says he wants to go shopping and buy a Spongebob Lego Set and that will be his "craft".

I don't think he is the spirit of things.

I was just checking out a website, which I think saw in Woman's Day Magazine -  It seems like a great resource with wide gamut of different projects.  I just haven't figured out which one to do.  The magazine suggested Vegan Marshmallows, but the instructions include a bunch of ingredients that I a) don't have and b) don't know where to get.  So that's not going to happen.

I will have to come up with something stunningly original and exciting and reclaim my Fun Mommy title!

Stay tuned!

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